is an R package used to perform conditional
independence tests for functional data.
This vignette gives a brief overview of the usage of the
package. We give a brief presentation of the idea
behind the GHCM and the conditions under which the test is valid.
Subsequently, we provide several examples of the usage of the
package by analysing a simulated data set.
In this section we briefly describe the idea behind the GHCM. For the full technical details and theoretical results, see [1].
Let X, Y and Z be random variables of which we
are given n i.i.d.
observations (X1, Y1, Z1), …, (Xn, Yn, Zn);
here X, Y and Z can be either scalar or
functional. Existing methods, such as the GCM [2] implemented in the
package [3], can deal with most cases where both X and Y are scalar hence our primary
interest is in the cases where at least one of X and Y are functional.
The GHCM estimates the squared Hilbert–Schmidt norm of the expected conditional covariance of X and Y given Z, ∥𝒦∥HS2, and rejects the hypothesis $X \mbox{${}\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}Y \,|\,Z$ if this quantity is too large. We denote by ⟨f, g⟩ the inner product between f and g. We compute the GHCM as follows.
Assuming that the regression methods perform sufficiently well, the GHCM has approximately uniformly distributed p-values when the null is true. It should be noted that there are situations where $X \mbox{${}\not\!\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}Y \,|\,Z$ but the GHCM is unable to detect this dependence for any sample size, since 𝒦 can be zero in this case.
The GHCM as implemented in the function uses different methods to compute the inner products as required above depending on the format of the given residuals. For residuals from scalar or multivariate variables or functional variables observed on a constant, fixed grid, the inner products are computed as the usual Euclidean inner products and no further preprocessing is done. For residuals coming from irregularly observed functional variables or functions on a fixed grid with missing values, the inner products are computed as L2 inner products computed from spline interpolants of the curves. See the following sections for examples of both types of use.
To give concrete examples of the usage of the package, we perform conditional independence tests on a simulated data set consisting of both functional and scalar variables. The functional variables are observed on a common equidistant grid of 101 points on [0, 1].
grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out=101)
#> [1] "Y_1" "Y_2" "X" "Z" "W"
consists of 500 observations of the scalar
variables Y1 and
Y2 and the
functional variables X, Z and W. The curves and the mean curve for
functional data can be seen in Figures @ref(fig:plot-X),
@ref(fig:plot-Z) and @ref(fig:plot-W).
Plot of X with the estimated mean curve in red.
Plot of Z with the estimated mean curve in red.
Plot of W with the estimated mean curve in red.
In all of the upcoming examples we will use functions from the
R-package [4] to
perform regressions. The simulated data is obtained such that the
regressions we perform are well-specified hence we do not have to worry
about the performance of our regression methods. However, in actual
applications of the GHCM, it is critical that the regression methods
employed estimate the conditional expectations 𝔼(X | Z) and 𝔼(Y | Z) sufficiently well
for the p-values to be valid.
Any use of the GHCM should be prefaced by an analysis of the performance
of the regression methods in use.
We first test whether Y1 and Y2 are conditionally independent given the functional variables. This is relevant if, say, we’re trying to predict Y1 and we want to know whether including Y2 as a predictor would be helpful. A naive correlation-based approach would suggest that Y2 could be relevant since:
To perform the conditional independence test, we need a
scalar-on-function regression method and we will use the
function from the refund
package [4] with lf
-terms. We run the test
in the following code:
m_1 <- pfr(Y_1 ~ lf(X) + lf(Z) + lf(W) , data=ghcm_sim_data)
m_2 <- pfr(Y_2 ~ lf(X) + lf(Z) + lf(W), data=ghcm_sim_data)
test <- ghcm_test(resid(m_1), resid(m_2))
#> H0: X _||_ Y | Z, p: 0.9583592
#> Not rejected at 5 % level
We obtain a p-value of 0.958. It should be noted that since the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic depends on the underlying distribution, there is no way to know the p-value from just the test statistic alone, hence it is not reported.
We now test whether $Y_1 \mbox{${}\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}X \,|\,Z$. This is relevant if we’re interested in modelling Y1 and want to determine whether X should be included in a model that already includes Z. We can plot X and Z and color the curves based on the value of Y1 as can be seen in Figures @ref(fig:Z-Y-plot) and @ref(fig:X-Y-plot) below.
Plot of Z with colors based on the value of Y1.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'tidyr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:reshape2':
#> smiths
Plot of X with colors based on the value of Y1.
It appears that both of the functional variables contain information
about Y1. To use
the GHCM for this test, in addition to the scalar-on-function regression
employed in the previous section, we will need to be able to perform
function-on-function regressions. This is done using the
function in the refund
package [4] with ff
terms. We run the test
in the following code:
m_1 <- pfr(Y_1 ~ lf(Z), data = ghcm_sim_data)
m_X <- pffr(X ~ ff(Z), data = ghcm_sim_data, chunk.size = 31000)
test <- ghcm_test(resid(m_X), resid(m_1))
#> H0: X _||_ Y | Z, p: 0.8656766
#> Not rejected at 5 % level
We obtain a p-value of 0.865.
Finally, we test whether $X \mbox{${}\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}W \,|\,Z$, which could be relevant in creating prediction models for X or W or in simply ascertaining the relationships between the functional variables. We run the test in the following code:
m_X <- pffr(X ~ ff(Z), data=ghcm_sim_data, chunk.size=31000)
m_W <- pffr(W ~ ff(Z), data=ghcm_sim_data, chunk.size=31000)
test <- ghcm_test(resid(m_X), resid(m_W))
#> H0: X _||_ Y | Z, p: 0.6311304
#> Not rejected at 5 % level
We get a p-value of 0.6304.
To illustrate the GHCM for irregular functional data, we load a version of the simulated dataset from before where we only observe a random subset of the points on each X and W curve. Although Z is not irregular in the examples below, if the functional regression method employed is able to perform the regression with irregular predictors, the GHCM will still control the type I error rate.
is a list containing Y1, Y2 and Z as
also contains subsamples of
X and W in a particular “melted”
#> .obs .index .value
#> 1 1 0.41 -0.59866179
#> 2 1 0.23 -0.13788030
#> 3 1 0.81 -0.67544756
#> 4 1 0.34 -0.98208927
#> 5 2 0.44 0.29197579
#> 6 2 0.54 0.01564551
The column denotes which curve the observation comes from. The column denotes the function argument while the column denotes the function value. We can plot and compare the observations in the regular and irregular functional observations as seen in Figures @ref(fig:plot-X-irregular) and @ref(fig:plot-W-irregular).
#> Joining with `by = join_by(.obs, .index, .value)`
Plot of the first 5 observations of X with the subsampled grid points marked by the larger triangles.
#> Joining with `by = join_by(.obs, .index, .value)`
Plot of the first 5 observations of W with the subsampled grid points marked by the larger triangles.
We now repeat the analysis from earlier on the subsampled data and
test whether $Y_1
\mbox{${}\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}X \,|\,Z$. We still use the
function from the refund
package to do
the function-on-function regression although the specification is
different now that X is no
longer regularly observed. We run the test in the following code:
n <- nrow(ghcm_sim_data_irregular$Z)
Z_df <- data.frame(.obs=1:n)
Z_df$Z <- ghcm_sim_data_irregular$Z
m_1 <- pfr(Y_1 ~ lf(Z), data = ghcm_sim_data_irregular)
m_X <- pffr(X ~ ff(Z), ydata = ghcm_sim_data_irregular$X, data=Z_df, chunk.size=31000)
test <- ghcm_test(resid(m_X), resid(m_1), X_limits=c(0, 1))
#> H0: X _||_ Y | Z, p: 0.8830271
#> Not rejected at 5 % level
We obtain a p-value of 0.883, which is very similar to the p-value of the regularly observed data of 0.865.
Finally, we repeat the test whether $X \mbox{${}\perp\mkern-11mu\perp{}$}W \,|\,Z$ on the irregular data. We run the test in the following code:
n <- nrow(ghcm_sim_data_irregular$Z)
Z_df <- data.frame(.obs=1:n)
Z_df$Z <- ghcm_sim_data_irregular$Z
m_X <- pffr(X ~ ff(Z), ydata = ghcm_sim_data_irregular$X, data=Z_df, chunk.size=31000)
m_W <- pffr(W ~ ff(Z), ydata = ghcm_sim_data_irregular$W, data=Z_df, chunk.size=31000)
test <- ghcm_test(resid(m_X), resid(m_W), X_limits=c(0, 1), Y_limits=c(0, 1))
#> H0: X _||_ Y | Z, p: 0.5916887
#> Not rejected at 5 % level
We obtain a p-value of 0.592 which is again similar to the p-value of the regularly observed data of 0.6304.